請同學106年4月10日至4月21日踴躍上網填寫學生資訊系統內之期中教學意見調查表 Please fill in Teaching Evaluation Survey during Apr.10-April.21
國立臺北大學 教務處教學發展中心 通知 106年4月10日

請同學自106年4月10日(星期一)至4月21日(星期五)止,踴躍上網填寫學生資訊系統(https://sss.ntpu.edu.tw/student_new.htm )內之教學意見調查表,所填意見將作為授課老師之參考。

另外,教務處教學發展中心持續辦理教學專業成長研習活動,每學期依相關補助辦法補助系所或教師辦理精進教學事宜,(詳見教學發展中心網頁http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/laws/law.php?dep=3&class_id=13)。再者,教學發展中心網頁並已建置「教學資源」專區(http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/admin/a7/org/a7-4/resourceintro.php ),提供各種教學輔助資源及教學參考資料,期待全校老師共同致力於提升教學效能。


Dear Students,
Please help us to fill in the mid-term Teaching Evaluation Survey via the student information system(https://sss.ntpu.edu.tw/student_new.htm) lasting from April 10, 2017 to April 21, 2017. As before, please rest assured that this survey will be entirely confidential, and the system will not be able to trace back to its contributor. Therefore, we invite you to fill out the form. The main purpose for the evaluation is to give feedback on each teacher’s teaching methods and contents, and the results will be provided to the teachers for their consultation in hopes of improving the quality of education. To achieve this purpose, we would like the students to answer truthfully and honestly.
In addition, the Faculty Development and Teaching Resources Center of Academic Affairs Office has constantly provided a series of learning programs and subsidy for each department or professors to support the teaching and expertise development of teachers. For more information, please visit http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/laws/law.php?dep=3&class_id=13. In order to elevate teaching quality of instructors, NTPU has set up a “Teaching resource” section to provide course related materials and course references. (http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/admin/a7/org/a7-4/resourceintro.php)
We would like to express our great gratitude for your long term support & we would be very much appreciate if you could help us to fill in "Teaching Evaluation Survey" to be the guideline of improvement.

Please do not hesitate to give us any feedback or criticism in order to provide you a better service.

NTPU Academic Affairs Office