恭喜本院犯研所沈伯洋所長,獲選為「世界民主運動」(World Movement for Democracy)指導委員會的一員,沈所長是這次新進的九位民主倡導者之一!自「世界民主運動」成立的1999年起,全球便有無數提倡民主的有志之士藉由這個網絡攜手促進民主價值。「世界民主運動」由指導委員會主導,約有20名委員,各自都是世界各地的公民社會、政治社會、獨立媒體和學術界的代表。
Congratulations to National Taipei University Professor Puma Shen for being named as one of the nine leading democracy advocates to the World Movement for Democracy’s Steering Committee! The World Movement for Democracy, launched in 1999, is a global network of democrats who cooperate in the promotion of democracy. The World Movement for Democracy is guided by the leadership of the Steering Committee, which is made up of approximately 20 individuals who represent civil society, political society, independent media, and academia from around the globe.
Professor Shen is an expert on white-collar crime, including state crime, disinformation campaigns, and financial crime. His work focuses on the rule of law and human rights advocacy. We congratulate and look forward to Professor Shen bringing new ideas and perspectives to help guide and mobilize the democratic community of action. Learn more: https://www.movedemocracy.org/person/puma-shen-taiwan
以上內容轉自美國在台協會 AIT FB粉絲專業