依臺灣政府規定,外國學生來臺就學期間須投保團體傷病醫療保險(團保) 或全民健康保險(健保)。
若於寒假期間出境臺灣1次超過30天或出境臺灣1次以上,返臺後需重新計算 6 個月的居留期間 ,才能符合健保資格 !
請務必於2024年2月28日前填寫線上表單(連結),後續將統一email繳費單,於繳費期間內完成繳費才算完成投保作業 ,謝謝。
Following Taiwan government regulations, international students are required to enrol in either Group Medical Insurance or National Health Insurance (NHI) while studying in Taiwan.
Students staying in Taiwan with a valid Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) for over six months continuously must enroll in National Health Insurance (NHI).
However, if you leave Taiwan for more than 30 consecutive days during the winter break, or leave Taiwan more than once,
your six-month residency requirement will be reset upon your return, delaying your eligibility for NHI.
To ensure continuous coverage and protect your rights, students who are not yet eligible for NHI, we will help you to enroll in the Group Medical Insurance.
The current policy is provided by Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. with a premium of NT$3,000 per semester (6 months, March-August 2025).
Please complete the online form (link) by 28 February 2024. A payment notice will be sent by email, and you must complete the payment within the specified period to finalize your insurance enrolment.
2. Failure to complete the online form or to pay Cathay Insurance premiums by the due date will be considered as a waiver of rights. No claim will be accepted in the event of illness or accident.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.