<Free English Seminar on Feb 20th >跟我們一同用半導體翻轉世界!
GSA官網: https://www.gsaglobal.org/
活動報名及介紹網址: https://designthesolution.org/university-programs/apac-wli-university-program/
Why Semiconductors? A conversation about career paths and companies that were shaped by the Semiconductor Industry. Join us to learn more about the semiconductor industry and connect with our distinguished speakers!
Organizer: GSA (Global Semiconductor Alliance) WLI
Sponsor: TSMC
Partners: Cadence, MediaTek, TSMC, WES consulting, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, TAITRA ITI Hsinchu campus, WES consulting
Time: Feb 20th, 1330-1600
Location: TSMC Museum of Innovation (No. 1, Lixing 7th Rd., Hsinchu Science Park)
Surprise to attendees: 7-11 coupon
<免費英文講座>2月20 日下午跟我們一同用半導體翻轉世界!
GSA (Global Semiconductor Alliance)全球半導體聯盟,首場亞太區WLI校園講座將於2月20日(周一)下午於台積電創新館舉辦,歡迎各科系男女同學一同參加!
主辦單位: GSA (Global Semiconductor Alliance) WLI
贊助商: 台積電
參與單位: 益華電腦、聯發科技、台積電、文策智庫、清華大學、陽明交通大學、外貿協會新竹培訓中心
時間: 112年2月20日 1330-1600
地點: 台積電創新館(新竹科學園區力行七路1號)
參加禮: 7-11禮券