◆ 計畫申請書(下載檔案)◆
◆ Application Form (Download) ◆
壹、 計畫說明
一、 計畫目的:
Propose of the Project:
To integrate university research resources and technology, respond to and solve practical industry needs, and achieve the goal of promoting industrial economic development, the "New Construction and Operation Transfer Project of the Taipei University Min Sheng Campus Industry-Academia Cooperation Center and Alumni Hall - Development and Operation Contract," has been established. Under this contract, Honghui Minsheng Co., Ltd. provides funding to support the industry-university cooperation research projects.
二、 徵求議題:
Topic 1: Innovative Applications of Smart Retail or Smart Buildings
Topic 2: Integrating Generative AI into Operational Processes
Topic 3: Generative AI and ESG Education Innovation: Intelligent Teaching
Topic 4: Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
貳、 計畫申請作業
一、 徵件截止日
Submission Deadline: From now until December 1, 2024.
二、 申請人資格
(一) 計畫主持人:本校專任講師以上或職級相當之研究人員。
(二) 協同主持人:不限本校人員,產學合作機構亦得指派有關人員擔任,其資格為公私立大專院校講師職級以上,或職級相當之公私立研究機構研究人員。
(三) 注意事項
1. 助理人員聘用比照「國家科學及技術委員會補助專題研究計畫研究人力約用注意事項」及其他相關規定辦理。
2. 本計畫產出之研發成果及內容,除著作權歸屬國立臺北大學外,其餘可能獲得之專利權、電路布局權及其他智慧財產權,歸屬雙方共同擁有;其餘未盡事宜應依合約規定履行。
3. 參與產學合作計畫人員之權利義務應依合約等規定履行。
Applicant Qualifications:
(1) Project Principal Investigator (PI): Full-time lecturers or researchers of equivalent rank or above at NTPU.
(2) Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): Not limited to personnel from NTPU; industry-university cooperation institutions may also appoint relevant personnel. Qualifications include lecturers or researchers of equivalent rank or above at public or private universities or research institutions.
Application Notices:
(1) Hiring of Assistant Personnel
The hiring of assistant personnel should follow the “National Science and Technology Council's Regulations on Contract Research Personnel in Subsidized Research Projects” and other related regulations.
(2) Intellectual Property Ownership
Intellectual property produced from this project, excluding copyrights that belong to National Taipei University, any other possible patents, circuit layout rights, and other intellectual property rights, will be jointly owned by both parties. Other unresolved matters should be performed according to the contract.
(3) Rights and Obligations of Project Personnel
The rights and obligations of personnel participating in the industry-academia cooperation project should be performed according to the contract and other regulations.
三、 計畫經費編列
(一) 每件計畫之經費總額以50萬元為上限,另依據審查結果決定實際補助金額。
(二) 申請案之計畫編列經費項目:行政管理費依「國立臺北大學產學合作實施辦法」第五條編列;其餘經費依據「行政院所屬各機關行政及政策類委託研究計畫經費編列原則及基準」規定編列。
Project Funding:
(1) The applied funding for this research project includes operating expenses (including fees for the PI and Co-PI, research personnel, materials, supplies, and miscellaneous costs) and administrative management fees. The subsidy amount will be determined based on the review results. The maximum funding for each project application is limited to 500,000 NTD.
(2) Budget items for the application project: Administrative management fees follow the “Implementation Measures for Industry-Academia Cooperation of National Taipei University Article 5,” and other expenses are based on the “Principles and Standards for Budgeting Administrative and Policy Research Projects Commissioned by Executive Yuan Agencies.”
參、 申請資料
(一) 依計畫申請書(下載檔案)規定格式撰寫,並於徵件截止日前,將計畫申請書電子檔案(Word和pdf檔案各一份)以電子郵件方式,寄送至信箱vcjiaai@mail.ntpu.edu.tw。
(二) 請於計畫申請書基本資料欄位內,填列建議審查委員研究領域與迴避審查委員名單(須敘述迴避理由);本項填列內容僅作為審查作業之參考,承辦單位主管及宏匯公司代表得評估是否採納與迴避。
(三) 基本資料填妥後,計畫主持人簽章欄位須附上申請人之電子簽名。
Application Method:
(1) The application form should be in the specified format (Download). Before the submission deadline, send the electronic application form files (please provide one copy each in Word and PDF format) via email to the contact person.
(2) In the basic information section of the application form, please provide the suggested research fields for the review committee members and a list of reviewers to be avoided (with reasons for avoidance). This information will be used as a reference for the review process, and the responsible unit's supervisor and representatives from Hon Hui Min Sheng Co., Ltd. will evaluate whether to adopt or avoid the suggested reviewers.
(3) After completing the basic information, the principal investigator must include their electronic signature in the signature field of the application form.
肆、 審查
一、 審查程序
(一) 初審作業由研發處依計畫研究領域,以及參考申請人填列之建議審查委員研究領域與迴避審查委員名單,分送校外專家學者至少2名進行書面審查。
(二) 複審作業由研發處召開審查會議,研發處及宏匯民生股份有限公司各派至少1名代表,針對初審結果討論並決議。
Review Procedure:
(1) Initial review:
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) will assign the proposal to at least two external experts or scholars for written review. The assignment is based on the research field of the project and the applicant's recommended reviewers, as well as the list of reviewers to be avoided. If the scores given by the two external reviewers differ by more than 15 points, a third external reviewer will be brought in for review. The final score will be the average after excluding any outlier scores.
(2) Secondary review:
ORD will convene a review meeting for the secondary review. At least one representative from ORD and Hon Hui Min Sheng Co., Ltd. will participate in the discussion and decision based on the preliminary review results.
二、 計畫審查重點
(一) 計畫團隊應提出未來關鍵研究主題規劃及範疇,且產學合作計畫內容須以本案第壹點第二項所列之議題研究為主。
(二) 計畫團隊研究群之執行能力、過去執行產學合作計畫之績效、預期研究成果等。
(三) 計畫團隊應鼓勵學生參與本計畫,以促進人才培育、學用合一為目標,提供學生執行產學合作機會。
(四) 研究項目及經費規劃使用合理性。
(五) 其他吸引產業投入經費之相關證明文件。
Critical Points for Project Review:
(1) The project team should propose key future research topics and scopes, focusing on the issues listed in Topics (Item 2 of this document)
(2) The proposed project is reviewed based on the project team's execution capabilities, past performance in industry-academia cooperation projects, and expected research outcomes.
(3) The project team should encourage student participation in the project to promote talent cultivation and the integration of learning and application, providing students with opportunities to engage in industry-university cooperation.
(4) The review also considers the rationality of the research items and the planning and use of funds.
(5) Other relevant documents to attract industry funding are welcome to promote the proposal.
伍、 計畫補助期限與執行需求
一、 計畫補助期程
Execution Schedule: From April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026.
二、 經核定通過補助之研究計畫,須於收受核定通知函後,簽屬本校產學合作計畫申請表與本校產學合作計畫合約書。
三、 計畫執行成果
(一) 獲補助之計畫應於計畫執行第6個月期間(114/9/1- 9/30)繳交期中報告電子檔1份至研發處備查。
(二) 於計畫執行期滿後3個月內,應研發處安排,參加年度計畫成果發表會,並繳交研究成果報告電子檔1份至研發處進行審查結案。
Project Execution Outcomes:
(1) Upon receiving the approval notification for applying for the project's funding, the project PI must sign the university's Industry-Academia Collaboration Project Application Form and the Industry-Academia Collaboration Project Contract.
(2) Projects that receive funding must submit an electronic version of a mid-term report to ORD for record-keeping during the sixth month of the project (September 1 to September 30, 2025).
(3) Within three months after the project period ends, participants must attend the annual project results presentation, as arranged by ORD, and submit an electronic version of the research results report for review and project closure.
陸、 聯絡人
研究發展處 新創產學發展中心
Lin Jia-Ai
Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Industry Collaboration Development, ORD.