
【轉知】ALLEX Foundation留美獎學金項目(2024/25學年)

我們是一所幫助學生獲得美國大學全額獎學金的非營利組織:ALLEX FOUNDATION(Alliance for Language Learning and Educational Exchange),前身為北美大學教育交流委員會。
** 台北線下說明會將於2023年5月13日在台北福華國際文教會館舉行(註冊:https://forms.gle/d8TYDPgnAZeppBNo9
 1)TAP留學課程 (Teaching Associate Program):任教期為2年。錄取學生可在美國大學攻讀碩士學位或第二個學士學位者(可自選,無專業限制,申請者須有大學本科學歷或應屆畢業生),同時在美國大學裏擔任華語教學的工作。
 2)FP留學課程 (Teaching Fellow Program):任教期為1年。錄取學生可在美國大學裏教華語課,同時選修或旁聽1~2門大學部或碩士班的課程,此項目不適合想攻讀學位者。
5、正在或曾經合作學校:康奈爾大學(Cornell University)、波士頓大學(Boston University)、印第安納大學(Indiana University Bloomington)、範德堡大學(Vanderbilt University)、波特蘭州立大學(Portland State University)、威爾斯利學院(Wellesley College)、密西西比大學(University of Mississippi)、堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)、德克薩斯理工大學(Texas Tech University)等。
Outline of the Scholarship Program
ALLEX Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Acton, MA, United States of America. Founded by a graduate student and his professors in the Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University in 1988, ALLEX now operates global exchange programs for Chinese, Japanese and Korean students wanting to study and teach in the United States. Over the last 30 years ALLEX and its predecessor organization, Exchange Japan, have arranged scholarships for over 1000 students to earn Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees at U.S. institutions. 
ALLEX is now accepting new applicants for the academic year of 2024/25. Therefore, we kindly ask you to introduce our program to those who are interested in studying abroad privately in North American universities and graduate schools, and/or keen on teaching Chinese language overseas. It would be highly appreciated if you could share our program on your school website, group mails, or even directly to students who come for career advice.
Summary: Students selected for the ALLEX Scholarship Program will receive a scholarship for full tuition, room, and food for two years to pursue a Master’s or second Bachelor’s degree. In exchange for this scholarship students are required to teach one or two courses of Chinese at the host university. 
Qualifications: Applicants for the scholarship program must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree before the program starts in June 2018. Candidates are also required to submit appropriate test scores such as GRE and TOEFL/IELTS for those seeking a Master’s degree. Experience teaching Chinese is not required, although those without adequate experience will be required to take the ALLEX Chinese Teacher Training Program held at Washington University in St. Louis the summer before academic studies commence. 
Target Candidate: The ALLEX Scholarship Program seeks candidates in need of financial assistance to study in the United States, candidates who wish to obtain experience teaching Chinese abroad to prepare for a career as an educator, or candidates who desire experience abroad to further their career. 
Past participating universities: Cornell University, Boston University, Indiana University Bloomington, Vanderbilt University, Portland State University, Wellesley, College, University of Mississippi, University of Kansas, Texas Tech University, etc. 
Deadline: Please refer to https://www.allex.org/cn/application-details. Interviews will be held in Shanghai in late December and early January. 
Contact: For more information about this scholarship program, please contact our Managing Director Dr. Qi Wang (qi.wang@allex.org), or visit the webpage at http://www.allex.org/tw.